Set Big Goals for 2016
Welcome 2016! There is no better time to get a fresh start than the rollover of a new year. Forget resolutions, they are very last year. Start by setting some goals for you and your life; goals to complete for the year ahead. Whether it is getting in shape, getting that new job or cleaning out the garage – now is the time to set those goals. The trend is to go big. And why not?
How big? Epic.
Steps to Setting Your Goals
- Create your top 10 list. Start by listing the top 10 things you want in your life in the next 10 years. There is no need to think too hard about it at the beginning, just start writing. Feel free to list more than ten. The key here is to put everything on this list. This will become your one year, five year and even ten year plan.
- Afterwards, go back and number them in the order that you want them, with the most important being 1, then 2 and so on.
- Choose those goals from that list that can be accomplished in one year. You should have at least four – if not, you are living too much in the future. Write these down as your goals for 2016!
- Develop goal plans. Write down the little things that you can do daily, weekly, monthly, that will help achieve these goals. This is your action plan.
- As you begin to put these actions into being, revisit the list and strike off the things you have achieved as you complete them. You will not believe how satisfying this simple action is to your well-being.
That’s it. It is that simple. Write it down. Live by your plan. What you focus on is what you will get, so every day, have a plan. You are ready.
This time of year sees millions of advertising dollars spent, mainly on online dating and weight loss programs. These are big goals for people. Weightwatchers pulled out the big guns slinging Oprah Winfrey and her question “Are you ready?” followed by, “Let’s do this together.” She is on to something there. You are ready. And, having support can really keep you on track with achieving your goals.
But you don’t necessarily need Oprah – there is an app for that. – encourages you to take a moment at the beginning of each day to make a plan.
OptimizeMe – Collects a ton of data on you in order to help you improve your life.
SmartGoals – breaks down the things you want into dreams, goals and habits.
Golden Scale – has you ‘check in’ to goals you want to make.
Evernote – for the list lover in you – it takes notes and checks off your accomplishments.
Wunderlist – another for the list lover – even breaks your goals into sub-lists.
Boomerang for Gmail – schedules emails to you to remind you to keep to your plan!
There are plenty of apps out there – if you like to work electronically, check them out! This is something to get excited about. Not matter what your goals are for 2016, with the right commitment and support you can accomplish them all! How far will you go?
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