Ray Dassylva Does The Dip
Where to begin. Ray Dassylva has done a lot during his time on this Earth. Asides from being an insurance broker Ray contributes and volunteers to community initiatives and groups. I mean just check out the list:
- He has been the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Belleville.
- He has been a chair member of the Children’s Foundation.
- A committee member of the United Way board.
- Vice President of the Counselling Service of Belleville.
- And now he has done the dip!
Ray volunteered to strip down into some questionable swimwear (as you can see from the picture) and brave the cold waters of the Bay of Quinte in order to raise money and awareness for the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign. There were several other participants involved, contributing to the great cause which sees that children of all ages can receive the necessary funding to go to summer camps, after school programs and participate in sporting events. The event raised over $6,000 for the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign thanks to the collaborative efforts of all the participants and those who donated. Ray was honoured for raising the most money for any individual volunteer at over $1,000.
Ray has a passion for the community he is a part of and always tries to do his part to contribute. The YMCA Strong Kids is an initiative Ray felt passionate about being apart of because of the tremendous work the program accomplishes with kids. He believes in giving kids the life experiences they deserve and may otherwise not be exposed to without this support. Ray had a goal to raise $1,000 and he reached it. The McDougall Family is proud of you Ray for your many accomplishments and the continued contributions you make to the community!
If you would like to find out more about the YMCA strong kids campaign check it out here.
And to see more pictures of the event visit Quinte News
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